Luca Pignatelli - Senza data
Senza data
Autor: Sergio Risaliti
Herausgeber: Antique Collectors' Club
Druckort: Suffolk
Erscheinungsjahr: 2019
Catalogue of the exhibition 'Senza data' by Luca Pignatelli at the Stefano Bardini Museum in Florence, curated by the Artistic Director of the Museo Novecento in Florence, Sergio Risaliti. The exhibition shows a series of works painted on railway tarpaulins, wood, paper and sheet metal, as well as large paintings on Persian carpets from the early 20th century. These works stand out immediately for their size and their link with the vast and beautiful collection of carpets in the Museum. The main theme of the works on show is based on a reflection on time, memory and image. Luca Pignatelli studied architectural composition during the period influenced by the theories of Aldo Rossi and the idea of the sedimentary growth of history, which for Pignatelli assumed a particular meaning with regard to painting linked with his focus on time and memory. He is an artist able to accept the challenge of large-scale paintings, generally working on unusual supports, often salvaged materials: jute tarpaulins, wood, metal, assembled and woven paper, on which the artist intervenes, overlaying his own selection of images, icons of collective memory. His works are often relics of classical culture, but also urban and mountain landscapes, trains, planes, and man-made machines. Each work reproduces memorable objects, artistic artefacts that evoke immense feelings of eternity and infinity. He has held a large number of solo exhibitions in Italy and abroad.
Beispiel in gutem Zustand. Einband mit leichten Gebrauchsspuren an den Kanten und Ecken. Text auf Englisch. Text auf Englisch. Buch in gutem Zustand.
ISBN -Code: 8855210327
EAN: 9788855210324
Seiten: 111
Format: Taschenbuch
Größe (cm):
Höhe: 28
Breite: 21
Text auf Englisch. Text auf Englisch. Mit Farb- und Schwarzweißbildern
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