Present Past - Modernity and the Memory Crisis
Modernity and the Memory Crisis
Autor: Richard Terdiman
Herausgeber: Cornell University Press
Druckort: London
Erscheinungsjahr: 1993
This book is about memory--about how the past persists into the present, and about how this persistence has been understood over the past two centuries. Since the French Revolution, memory has been the source of an intense disquiet. Fundamental cultural theories have sought to understand it, and have striven to represent its stresses.
Exemplar in gutem zustand.Text in englisch. Einband und schnitte mit spuren von staub. English text. Book in good conditions. Cover and edges with traces of dust.
ISBN -Code: 0801481325
EAN: 9780801481321
Seiten: xi;389
Format: Paperback
Größe (cm):
Höhe: 24
Breite: 15
Englischer text/English text.
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