Commercio estero e attività internazionali delle imprese: Annuario 2003. L'Italia nell'economia internazionale: Rapporto ICE 2003-2004 (3 volumi) - Vol. I: Merci, servizi, investimenti diretti. Vol. II: Paesi, settori, regioni
Vol. I: Merci, servizi, investimenti diretti. Vol. II: Paesi, settori, regioni
Author: AA.VV.
Publisher: ISTAT - Istituto Nazionale per il Commercio Estero
Place of printing: Rome
Year of publication: 2004
Product Condition:
Specimens in good condition. Very slight signs of wear and slight traces of dust on the covers.
Pages: 366/438/373
Format: Paperback
The first two volumes have the same title "foreign trade and international business activities: Yearbook 2003", while the third volume has the title "The Italy International Economics: ICE 2003-2004 Report." CD-ROM in Pocket to the inside back cover of the second volume.
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